All labs

Remediated Sites

Decontaminating and Restoring an Environment

In this lab, students will learn how engineers from different disciplines work together to monitor and clean up sites that have become contaminated by pollutants. Using the engineering design process, students will model an oil spill and conduct experiments using different clean up techniques they learn about in the lab.

Students will:
  • Analyze real-world problems and use critical thinking skills in order to solve them
  • Understand what contaminated sites are and how remediation is used to clean them up
  • Provide examples of contaminated sites stories
  • Understand the environmental impacts of contaminants
  • Model an oil spill and clean it up using various remediation methods and technologies
  • Design and construct small scale models of remediation technologies
  • Collect and analyze data
  • Explain the engineering process as it pertains to their design
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    Lab time commitment

    100-120 minutes
    (including 30-minute intro video)

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    Live Q&A session and wrap up with

    College Students & Professional Engineers

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Remediated Sites

Learn about Lab Days
April 2, 2025
AnnaLaura Arredondo

Downstream Designs Engineer


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Meet the lab intro host

Carla MacQuarrie
Environmental Engineer

Carla MacQuarrie is an Environmental Engineer from Nova Scotia, Canada. She earned a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the Technical University of Nova Scotia in 1998. Carla began her career in consulting engineering, but soon after returned to University, earning a Master of Applied Science degree from Dalhousie University, supported by a prestigious NSERC Industry Grant. Carla's passion for public service led her to a fulfilling career path, commencing as a Regional Environmental Officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. In 2008, she transitioned to the Public Works and Government Services Canada, where she excelled as a Project Management Professional in her capacity as Senior Project Manager. Her leadership was instrumental in the successful management of contaminated sites remediation projects across Canada.
Carla MacQuarrie

Environmental Engineer

Carla MacQuarrie is an Environmental Engineer from Nova Scotia, Canada. She earned a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the Technical University of Nova Scotia in 1998. Carla began her career in consulting engineering, but soon after returned to University, earning a Master of Applied Science degree from Dalhousie University, supported by a prestigious NSERC Industry Grant. Carla's passion for public service led her to a fulfilling career path, commencing as a Regional Environmental Officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. In 2008, she transitioned to the Public Works and Government Services Canada, where she excelled as a Project Management Professional in her capacity as Senior Project Manager. Her leadership was instrumental in the successful management of contaminated sites remediation projects across Canada.
Labs are always conducted with no cost to schools, teachers or students.
Hands-on student activities get students excited and keep them engaged.
Cutting-edge instruction designed by professional engineers.
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