A legacy of inspiration and access.

Guided by a diverse team of successful engineers, Engineering Tomorrow introduces high school students nationwide to the world of engineering.

Why we’re here

The U.S. needs more engineers, and we are losing valuable perspective and insight by not including more diversity within our field.

In 2014, Engineering Tomorrow was founded to solve these two problems by creating programs that awaken student curiosity and passion for engineering.

  • 750,000+

    Students engaged
  • 50

    States reached
  • 22+

    Engineering topics taught
  • 2,200,000+

    Labs completed since 2014

Our mission

Engineering Tomorrow is inspiring high school students to pursue an engineering degree in order to create a larger, more diverse engineering workforce to solve the engineering challenges of the future.

Our objectives
To reduce historic barriers to enter the engineering profession by reaching underprivileged and historically underrepresented students with our programs
To increase the number of U.S. students pursuing engineering degrees to ensure that America remains the global leader in innovation and technology
To develop engineers who are skilled and motivated to solve global challenges
Our values
Removing barriers

One of the greatest barriers to exploration can be cost. Our labs are all available at no cost to schools or students.

Increasing access

We work with educators to make sure our labs align with their goals and fit their schedules.

Promoting diversity

We are bringing engineering to students who otherwise might not have access, so we can bring a more diverse set of minds to engineering.

Inspiring curiosity

We give students real-life applications for math and science principles, inspiring them to connect what they learn in class with how they experience the world.

Meet our founder.

Bill Woodburn grew up in a working-class New York City community, where there was no discussion about careers in engineering and very little direction about attending college.

With a natural aptitude for math and science, he was able to attend the Merchant Marine Academy, where he obtained a bachelor’s of science in engineering, before receiving his master’s degree from Northwestern University. Bill found engineering to be a rewarding profession and his success in the engineering field led him to a variety of leadership positions at some of the world’s most prominent engineering companies, including roles as the CEO of GE Infrastructure and a Co-Founding Partner of Global Infrastructure Partners.

Throughout his career, Bill noticed that the United States did not offer nearly enough opportunities for students to consider engineering as a career—particularly female and minority students.

While he excelled at math and science classes in high school, he remembers thinking that those courses never provided the practical applications that demonstrated how engineers use science and math to design and build the innovative products and processes that touch every part of our world today. That lack of exposure to practical applications for math and science—combined with a lack of engineers in many low-income and working-class neighborhoods like the one he grew up in—leaves many students today without an understanding of what engineers do and the great potential that a career in engineering holds. 

Bill believes that the failure to expose so many high school students to the field of engineering leaves a tremendous amount of untapped potential in the United States. He founded Engineering Tomorrow to reach all students, no matter the communities that they come from, and to show them the exciting opportunities that a career in engineering affords.

Bill Woodburn
Founder, Engineering Tomorrow
Founding Partner, Global Infrastructure Partners

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