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Airplane Design & Optimization

In this lab, students are introduced to the forces that an airplane experiences in flight. They will try to maximize the lift of their paper airplane designs and optimize lift to drag ratios to complete the distance or flight time challenges. Students should use the skills learned in this lab to design an accurate and precise paper airplane model.

Students will:
  • Analyze real-world problems and use critical thinking skills in order to solve them
  • Collect and analyze data
  • Explain the engineering process as it pertains to their design
  • Understand the 6 degrees of freedom motion of an airplane
  • Describe the forces on an airplane
  • Analyze airplane performance through precision and accuracy
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    Lab time commitment

    100-120 minutes
    (including 30-minute intro video)

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    Live Q&A session and wrap up with

    College Students & Professional Engineers

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Learn about Lab Days
April 30, 2025
Janelle Wellons

Senior Mission Operations Engineer


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Classroom Tools & Resources

Get access to all of the presentation materials, workbooks and resources to run the Aerodynamics lab in your classroom.

Lab Intro Videos

Get our engineer’s introduction to the lab topic and learn more about the lab activity. 

If you've completed the lab intro, you can find additional optional lab extensions beginning at timecode 30:14.

Meet the lab intro host

Betsy Fortman
Staff Engineer

Betsy received a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from Purdue University. While still in college, Betsy began her career with NASA at Langley Research Center gaining almost 2 years of experience focusing on integration, design, and testing of aircraft and their control systems, such as the F-18 and blended-wing body (BWB). 

Upon graduation, Betsy began working with NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) as a Guidance, Navigation and Control System (GNC) Instructor for the International Space Station (ISS). In this role, Betsy trained numerous astronauts and flight controllers in the Part-Task Trainer (PTT) and Space Station Training Facility (SSTF) simulators. 

As Betsy’s career advanced, she worked as a Boeing Systems Engineer testing the US flight software for the GNC System and became a console operator in the Mission Evaluation Room for flights 1R, 1P, 2A.2b, 3A, and 4A, 5A (Shift Lead for 5A). Throughout her career at JSC, Ms. Fortman traveled overseas helping to train astronauts and cosmonauts on the various systems of ISS and the Russian Soyuz Vehicles. She also served as Deputy of Training Operations (DTOR) in Star City, Russia. 

Upon returning to the States, Ms. Fortman’s career shifted from current spaceflight operations to future spacecraft design analysis. Betsy worked as Chief Engineer of the Astronaut Office Exploration Branch tracking major design changes while assessing habitability and operability for Commercial Crew and Orion. Following her tenure at NASA, Ms. Fortman served as a consultant working with Sophic Synergistics to help integrate the human systems for Axiom Space Station.

Betsy Fortman

Staff Engineer

Betsy received a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from Purdue University. While still in college, Betsy began her career with NASA at Langley Research Center gaining almost 2 years of experience focusing on integration, design, and testing of aircraft and their control systems, such as the F-18 and blended-wing body (BWB). 

Upon graduation, Betsy began working with NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) as a Guidance, Navigation and Control System (GNC) Instructor for the International Space Station (ISS). In this role, Betsy trained numerous astronauts and flight controllers in the Part-Task Trainer (PTT) and Space Station Training Facility (SSTF) simulators. 

As Betsy’s career advanced, she worked as a Boeing Systems Engineer testing the US flight software for the GNC System and became a console operator in the Mission Evaluation Room for flights 1R, 1P, 2A.2b, 3A, and 4A, 5A (Shift Lead for 5A). Throughout her career at JSC, Ms. Fortman traveled overseas helping to train astronauts and cosmonauts on the various systems of ISS and the Russian Soyuz Vehicles. She also served as Deputy of Training Operations (DTOR) in Star City, Russia. 

Upon returning to the States, Ms. Fortman’s career shifted from current spaceflight operations to future spacecraft design analysis. Betsy worked as Chief Engineer of the Astronaut Office Exploration Branch tracking major design changes while assessing habitability and operability for Commercial Crew and Orion. Following her tenure at NASA, Ms. Fortman served as a consultant working with Sophic Synergistics to help integrate the human systems for Axiom Space Station.

Lab Day Keynote

Every Engineering Tomorrow Lab Day event ends with an inspiring keynote from an engineering expert. Watch this one from the latest Aerodynamics Lab Day.

Kenneth Harris II

Senior Project Engineer, The Aerospace Corporation

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