Lab day event

Green Hydrogen

Exploring Hydrogen Power & Electrolysis

February 5, 2025|10am–1pm EST
what you will learn

In this lab, students are introduced to some of the major impacts of climate change and presented with a way to lessen its effects.

They will learn how engineers can help to decarbonize the world economy and what role green hydrogen can play. Students will apply chemistry techniques to build an electrolysis cell in order to produce their own green hydrogen.

Keynote Speaker
Headshot for Adria Wilson
Adria Wilson


Breakthrough Energy


  • 10–10:30am Introduction to Green Hydrogen
  • 10:30–11:30am Green Hydrogen Lab Challenge
  • 11:30am–12:15pm Q&A and Wrap-up
  • 12:15–1pm Keynote Speaker: Adria Wilson

Lab Days feature time for students to interact with college engineering students and professional engineers!

Meet our keynote speaker
Adria Wilson

Adria leads the zero-carbon innovation and emerging policy team within the U.S. Policy and Advocacy program at Breakthrough Energy. In her role, she guides the development of strategies to accelerate breakthrough clean energy innovations to market and enable the global deployment of affordable clean technologies. Her team partners with business leaders, philanthropy, advocates, policymakers, and startups to champion policy solutions that reduce the cost of clean energy and drive the widespread global adoption of cutting-edge clean energy technologies.

Prior to joining Gates Ventures and Breakthrough Energy, Adria was program lead for Chain Reaction Innovations, Argonne National Laboratory’s lab-embedded entrepreneurial program, helping to develop the then-nascent fellowship program and to build strategic partnerships across the cleantech innovation ecosystem. She also served as a manager in the Department of Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Office, overseeing R&D programs aimed at advancing the widespread adoption of hydrogen technologies and advancing departmental innovation and commercialization efforts. She began her career in energy and environmental policy in the Senate as an AAAS Congressional Fellow. Adria has a PhD in Chemistry from Duke University and a B.S. in Chemistry from Drexel University. She is based in Washington DC, where she lives with her wife and 
two dogs.

what is a lab day?

Lab Days are live, virtual field trips.

Virtual field trip event

3 hours live, available later on demand

Event type

No-cost, hands-on live-streamed event

Your students will come together virtually with other classes all over the country to learn about a specific topic in engineering and complete their own related projects. 
Participate live for the event — or attend as much as you can and watch the rest on demand.

Labs are always conducted with no cost to schools, teachers or students.
Hands-on student activities get students excited and keep them engaged.
Cutting-edge instruction designed by professional engineers.
Ready to inspire a passion for engineering in your students?

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